Jason Johann's Photos
By: Jason Johann
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- Brian Germain Protection isn't really a right. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness are58 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold protection from people with guns, drunks, 2nd-hand smoking, peer-pressure, polution, etc57 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold why is the right of a choice more important than the right for the longevity to that choice to begin with ?56 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain umm there is no protection from peer pressure otherwise none of the things you just posted would be questioned.55 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold when somebody shoots you, do you appreciate that he just exercised his right to bear arms, to do what he wants, as he wants, where he wants? As you die, do you think, "I am glad I didn't take his rights away?"53 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain but why is your right to life more important than someone else's right to liberty or someone else's pursuoit of happiness? I guess it's probably not that's where life comes first. The new england journal of medicine has pretty much said that the 2nd hand smoke thing is mostly fallacy anyway53 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain he didn't excercize his right to bear arms, the right to keep and bear arms has nothing to do with shooting someone. read the law52 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain there is no right to shoot someone except perhaops in self defense and if I was attacking him it's my bad, if he kills me I probably shouldn;t have provoked him to shoot me however if he shoots me without provocation that is on him and there is nothing you can do about that but people that do that kind of stuff more often than not don't LEGALLY own their guns anyway51 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold I am not talking strictly about law, but rather on the application and the outcomes from those laws, because things happen as a result to the laws: I am not against giving people the freedom to those things: to guns, drinks, smoke, abortions, marriages, or whatever: you can do what you want: anybody can do what you want: however, there may be consequences to actions sometimes50 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnoldthey say that absolute power corrupts absolutely and too much freedom sometimes can be too dangerous. You don't give a kid too much freedom: you don't let a five year old or a baby drive a car, smoke, drink, have sex, have a gun, go where they want, stay up as late as they want.... u in fact take freedoms away from kids until they are ready for some of it. That same rule should apply to grown ups too regardless to our idealogy that it just might be a bad thing to cultivate or to shape out a safe guard net, restrictions, guidelines, principles, boundaries, goals.44 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz A lot of the "self entitlement rights" - those not covered or protected by the Constitution - come down to personal convictions and moral character. Life itself is all about choices; own the decisions you make and put the blame where it belongs - on you, not society.43 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germainthat is what is called a post hoc fallacy "If guns weren't legal people couldn't use them to kill somebody" Doesn't wash reallly, if guns were Illegal the people doing the illegal shooting would still be doing it with illegal guns. The argument for this of course is "yeah buit they wouldn;t be so easy to get" Not true Illegal guns are incredibly easy to get. Legal guns are much harder to get than illegal ones. There are ALWAYS not sometimes ALWAYS consequences for actions, that doesan;t mean you should sit under your sink in your cupboard and cower in fear at the world because there are so many ways to die out there... usually the people that do that get stuck and die of lack of ventilhation in the cupboard. You are 11 times more likely to have a slip and fall accident in your tub that kills you than any other type of accident, even automobiles. I am not saying people should be afforded extra freedoms but the freedoms and liberties that we already currently have once taken away are just ... well.. Gone.
That being said any freedom taken away (and I am not a smoker and I don't own a gun and I don' Drink more than a few times a year can't remember the last time i got drunk, I have never had an abortion nor do I condone them, I am married but the bottom line her is this... any freedom taken away is one step closer to beiong goose-stepping morons who burn books instead of reading them.43 minutes ago · ·1 person
- Joey Arnold @ Brian Germain: one freedom can only be substituted for another freedom: everything can't be free: that is why there is work: I don't just mean literal work. There is always a price that has to be paid for freedom. I am not exactly saying that guns should be illegal. I might argue the opposite. ............38 minutes ago ·
- Brian GermainTrue Joey but just because many adults act like 5 year olds they are NOT five year olds. Just because people don't like to take responsibility for their actions doesn't mean they are not responsible for them, and just because you set boundaries and goals for a kid is a very good reason to set boundaries and goals for adults as well however when it comes to self preservation most americans are under the funny misconception that they are going to live forever, if someone like Steve Jobs the Billionairre CEO of apple couldn't make it past 56 I'd say to anyone else Smoke 'em if you got 'em. No one is going to live forever in the sense that many people believe they will perhaps spiritually or even physically after the second coming but before that everone else is just the same heading toward that wall at the end of life some just get there faster than others.38 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain if everyone had principles we wouldn't need to have this conversation. I am not sure what you mean by one freedom can only be substituted for another, but if you are saying that those things should be taken away as freedoms then perhaps you'd like to suggest more to replace them with...36 minutes ago · ·
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- Joey Arnold If you gave a room of kids the freedom to do what they want, some of the bullies will start picking on the nerds.34 minutes ago · ·
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- Joey Arnold Do you substitute the freedom of the bullies with the nerds, or the freedom of the nerds for the bullies: who wins?33 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain yep and then eventually they'd run across some nerd like me and get their asses handed to them33 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain they both have freedom what your describing has nothing to do with either. Believe me I was that nerd in school handing the bullies their asses.32 minutes ago · ·
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- Joey Arnold Are you suggesting Charles Darwin's concept of the Survival of the Fittest: that everybody should be given maximum freedom because it is a Dog Eat Dog world out there and that only the toughest bullies will survive? Because when you give freedom to everybody, you sometimes don't just empower the wise, but you also can empower and give freedom to criminals, bullies.....30 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germainyou don't sacrifice the freedoms of the bullies or nerds they both have freedoms and the nerds have the freedom to stand up and go We're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. It has happened all across the world throughout time the people with the power have opressed the nerds of the world and they always get their come-uppin's don't believe me, look up the history oif egypt, rome, england, china, and see where each time some small group gathered together and said F' this30 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain I am suggesting that Darwin has very little to do with people making the choice to stand up for themselves or for others. In school there were plenty of times I stood up to guys lots bigger than me for someone else.29 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain and I am also suggesting that Survival of the fittest was happening long before Darwin, is endorsed by neitzche and is the natural order of things but it doesn't have to mean physically fit it doesn't have to mean mentally fit. it has to do with the size of the fight in the dog not the dog in the fight.26 minutes ago ·
- Joey ArnoldI don't really care who is beating up who, whether it would be the bullies over the nerds or the nerds over the bullies, or any other combinations out there, but I am a bit concern with the battle to begin with, regardless of the outcomes, and that death can occur, that consequences can occur, and that the losers, the ones who die, or get hurt, in the wars, battles, struggles, are in fact the ones losing their rights, their freedoms, their lives, their world, their friends, their family, their sanity. Is it right to allow such conquest, such destruction, such tormoil, and blame it on the pursuit of happiness, on the pursuit for maximizing freedom?26 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz “Without a struggle, there can be no progress.” - Frederick Douglass. Almost 200 years later, society is still having a hard time grasping this concept24 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain well you can blame it on maximizing freedom or you can blame it on a pissing contest Bullies are not to blame for maximizing freedom did you even read the above post? bullies are about taking freedoms away and controlling you. Freedom is about standing up for yourself and others even in the face of overwhelming odds but I better not say that too loud otherwise bullies might come knock down my door.23 minutes ago · ·
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- Joey ArnoldAre you going to take the Bullies' freedoms away? It seem that some of the bullies may have this freedom, this right, this desire, to take other people's freedoms away. If you give the bully freedom then you in fact take freedom away from others if the bullies are successful at taking freedom away from others. If you take away the bullies' freedoms then you limit freedom to those who may deserve it. But you are then not giving out freedom to everybody. You then might be bias, stereotypical, limited, if you in fact shut the door on the bullies. You let the bullies in, then they might throw some of the people out. Or if you keep the bullies out, then everybody is not in. Either way you have it, everybody won't be in.19 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germainwhat you are arguin Joey Arnold is what most people call dogma, There's no real arguing anything thats subjective so you can have and keep your opinion it doesn't make your point any more or less valid however. The problem is we don't live in a perfect society and we never will most likely especially since perfection is pretty much a lie anyway you slice it. Isn't ironic that the perfection of anything can only be measured by the sum of it's flaws? if something is flawless is it perfect? One might say that in itself is a flaw, which creates an interesting problem. because Someone could say "well I am perfect i have no flaws" to which someone could respond "ha! you have no flaws and you call yourself perfect, if you were perfect you'd have everything." as ridiculous as that sounds it's still truth what might be the right thing to you might not be to everyone else.18 minutes ago · ·
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- Jenn Wagnitz Why don't you two meet up at Byram Park at 3:00 to solve it?16 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian GermainYeah we are going to take the bullies freedoms away when they commit illegal ats such as taking others freedoms away. and if someone has a desire to eat small children we'll take their freedoms away as well. If only we could take the freedoms away from stupoid people fro just being stupid or immoral people from being immoral or dishonest people from being dishonesy... but we can't. Perfection is a red herring, and only exists to confuse people's judgeement and sell products.15 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain @Jenn- well because I am afraid Joey would chase me around in circles until I grew exhausted much like this conversation12 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold The poster says in the red letters at the bottom: "Don't like your rights taken away? Then don't take away someone else's." So why take the bullies' rights away? The picture says "Don't take away anybody' rights away." Or is that just a generality? Is there an exception to this generality? When somebody does something illegal, will we give them justice or give them rights, freedom, grace, forgiveness?9 minutes ago ·
- Jenn WagnitzI was joking of course. As a psych major, I have learned that perfection is perceived, not tangible. Many of the things we actually believe to be true are merely perceptions we form based on how we are influenced by society. My utopia is most definitely much different than either one of yours. But that doesn't mean that we all don't strive for the same happy medium. We all just look for different ways to achieve it. @Joey - I take full responsibility for that picture since Brian re-shared it from my page9 minutes ago ·
- Joey ArnoldWhen somebody does something illegal, it is because somebody else made it illegal. Kings rulers or people or societies make up rules. If you break it, that is what is illegal, and you are usually punished for breaking them. But who gave the law makers the rights to make those rules to begin with. Why can't I just have my own rules. Why can't I have my own personal kingdom with my own set of morality? Why would you take those rights away from me? Said who? By who's authority? Does that sound fair? How could you have the right to take away my rights to do what I want? Why don't I have the rights to take away your rights?5 minutes ago ·
- Brian GermainSee and as a Psych Majpr you learned that bullies thrive on fear but instill enough fear and sometimes you get the fight response which is funny because it sthe exact opposite of twhat the bullies hope to occur even though the "victim" is very much afraid. lol
@Joey- you can't have your own rules because as you said you are not for that.. you are just contradicting yourself and subject to deletion from this post.. Because I'm King or Ruler of my wall and therfore a bully of my wall and I am allowed to take your rights away :) (on my wall of course)3 minutes ago · ·1 person
- Jenn Wagnitz Going back to my initial point - it comes down to personal conviction and moral character. Laws are passed in an *attempt* to keep a balance in society. How you choose to react to the laws in place is up to you. You can be an upstanding, moral person and obey them or show poor moral character and break them. Again, it comes down to CHOICES.about a minute ago · ·
2 people
- Jenn Wagnitz Joey, take an Intro to Psych class at the collegiate level and as yourself that question. Trust me, you'll get it thena few seconds ago · ·
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- Joey Arnold @ Jenn, I have taken Psych classes in college already, don't you worry...... but you have to think about my questions.....2 seconds ago ·
- Brian Germain yes on my wall I have the right to take everyone's rights away as far as it pertains to posting on my wall. Is it fair? perhaps not, is it right (I haven't done it yet). But is it feasible and a possible consequence you bet.7 minutes ago · ·
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- Jenn Wagnitz Actually, I have already explored that topic and quite frankly, after a term paper on societal perceptions, am pleased with the conclusions I have formed for myself. My opinions have no impact on how you choose to answer that question, so a retort from me would prove moot5 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain btw this is for Joey- http://www.forces.org/arti
cles/files/passive1.htm 3 minutes ago · ·1 person
- Joey Arnold @ Jenn: that is your opinion: you are thinking that that your opinions may have no impact on me: but you don't know that: unless if you're psychic, with perfect success at predicting things: just the concept of communication proofs otherwise: you do things to get results: or something like that: are you seriously trying to say that you can't help?about a minute ago · ·
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- Joey Arnold I disagree with the Passive Smoking Can't Cause Cancer article at that link......a few seconds ago ·
- Brian Germain Her opinions DO have no impact on you unless YOU let them. You as a person are in charge of your own emotions and sensibilities toward another person...24 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain whether you disagree or agree is up to you too. it's an aticle and its right there. it makes mroe sense than the traditional argument "me smoking is worse for you than if you were to smoke yourself"23 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold I can't let her opinions impact me if she chooses not to speak them all on the opinion that it may not help.23 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold I have read some articles that suggest that a little bit of smoking might be a good thing in some situations21 minutes ago ·
- Brian GermainThe 1986 reports by the NRC and Surgeon General concluded secondhand smoke was a risk factor for lung cancer. But of the 13 studies reviewed, 7 reported no link between secondhand smoke and lung cancer. Given the statistical nature of these studies, this split in results is precisely what one would expect if no true link existed.
Neither report produced much progress for anti-smoking activists. So they convinced the EPA to pick up the gauntlet.
Thirty-three studies on secondhand smoke had been completed by 1993. More than 80 percent of the studies reported no association between secondhand smoke and lung cancer, including the largest of the studies. The EPA reviewed 31 studies - inexplicably omitting two studies reporting no association between secondhand smoke and lung cancer -21 minutes ago · ·1 person
- Jenn Wagnitz I am a firm believer in allowing others for form their own thoughts/feelings/opinions in cases such as this. I have already offered some of my thoughts and feelings based on what I've learned. I'm not sure what else you'd like me to add...20 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain again I am not a smoker and don't really care mich for it. But if you go around bliondly believeing everything you read, or hear it will just keep you out of trouble :)20 minutes ago · ·
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- Jenn Wagnitz Secondhand smoke has shown to cause respiratory problems for children exposed to it from birth to 5 years old. My nephews are both asthmatics due to my bro & SIL smoking in the same room as them when they were infants. They were much more considerate when my niece was born by banning smoking in the house after she was born. They got lazy when the boys were born18 minutes ago · ·
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- Joey Arnold @ Jenn, the concept of creating laws in order to balance society sounds like a tough job. Would not the personal convictions of the law makers leak out into laws that they create?17 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz Going back to Government class - checks and balances. You can't be a legislator and just decide one day "I wanna pass this law" and it's in force the next day. In our bipartisan government, the two parties keep each other in line (theoretically) and they have to work together in passing those laws. Didn't you watch after school specials: http://youtu.be/mEJL2Uuv-oQ14 minutes ago · ·
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- Joey Arnold If the gays get the right to marry, then why can't I even have the right to marry a horse, or a cat, or a dog, or a car?14 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention examining data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveyreported in January�s Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine there was no association between secondhand smoke and asthma among 5,400 children aged 4 to 16 years of age.14 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain I beliebve that it can definitely aggravate and possibly cause asthma my daughter is asthmatic, the issue is that docotrs and and drug companies are in the helath business to make money so people having chronic illnesses are actually good for business which is unfortunate because of the amount of misdiagnosis that goes on because of that.11 minutes ago · ·
1 person
- Jenn Wagnitz What the LGBTQ community is trying to do is AMEND the laws on marriage to say "between two people" not "between a man and a woman." How does your idea of beastiality or marrying an inanimate object fit into their plan?11 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain yeah I saw a rather attractive fish the other day... did I type that out loud?11 minutes ago · ·
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- Jenn Wagnitz @Brian - being an aunt that has had to administer nebulizer treatments to both boys, I blame my brother and his wife for holding them, lit cigarette in hand. And yes, you did type that out loud. BTW, look for my invite to my wedding to my smartphone in the near future ;)10 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold @Jenn: if we are all animals, then why should there be such a difference between humans and other species?10 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain actually the funny thing abotu marriage is for the most part it is a religious belief about two people being joined together. and for the christian society it is the belief that a man and a woman be joined together. What should or shouldn';t be the issue is the seperation of church and state rather than moral or immoral9 minutes ago · ·
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- Joey Arnold @Jenn: I disagree: why can't we marry apes? Aren't they our ancestors? Aren't they pretty smart?8 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz Do you pick the bugs out of your scalp and eat them? Again, we are more evolved than apes7 minutes ago · ·
2 people
- Jenn Wagnitz But hey, if you want to marry an ape, more power to you. I think it's legal in Vegas...14 minutes ago · ·
2 people
- Joey Arnold @Jenn: in the evolutionary process, apes are just a little not as evolved as we are. So does that mean we are too good for them? We are just so much better than them? We have to to segregate from the apes like we segegrated from the blacks?14 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germainagain I am old fashioned I think that same sex marriages are somewhat out of place but I also anm an artist and oi believe you should be able to cavort and copulate with other consenting adults if you so wish and if you wanna throw rings on each others hands and say you are married so be it, but if you don't believe in a certain religions tenets I can't understand the want to be bound in matrimony by them anyway. Sometimes the argument is some people don't believ in God and they get married, but I don;t feel tht is an argument to me because i don;t understand that either. Now if two people want to be wed in the eyes of the law or in the eyes of their own beliefs that becomes a totally different story and hey i guess if your belief is that you have to slaughter a chicken before yo marry a cow I say go with it.13 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold @Jenn: if I want to marry a ape: if that is my personal conviction: why should anybody stop me?13 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz This is where I digress. I refuse to have a racial conversation on Facebook13 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain lol you mean Specieal? or would that be Speciescial? or just special? lol12 minutes ago · ·
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- Jenn Wagnitz Joey Arnold @Jenn: if I want to marry a ape: if that is my personal conviction: why should anybody stop me? - RIDICULOUS10 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold @ Jenn: why are you placing regulations on what could be my personal convictions? Are you in my head?10 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain after alll I am going to be a groomsman for Jenn's Smartphone10 minutes ago · ·
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- Jenn Wagnitz It is illegal in some states to consummate relationships with mammals other than human... punishable by LAW...9 minutes ago · ·
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- Joey Arnold So some states will limit my rights, my freedoms, to marry mammals, all on the conception that such personal convictions are in fact too crazy for anybody to do, to believe, to live out?7 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold @ Jenn: the concept of creating laws is still a dangerous process. I understand that laws are not formed instantly. It is voted for. It has to pass through two houses. However, do the votes of those people represent the views and personal convictions of everyday Americans, our society, or is it ridged?5 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold Why are you guys being racist against my marriage questions. I really don't get it. You guys are the bullies. My question is a question about what makes something right and what makes something wrong. You believe that my mammal marriage proposal is crazy because you believe that it is wrong. But who gives you the right to tell me what is wrong and what is right? Do I not have the right to believe what I want and to do what I want?3 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold Because if life is all about the pursuit of happiness, and if my happiness only comes from marrying apes, then why would you laugh at that? Because you believe it is wrong or crazy? But what if I believe that it is right to marry apes? Haven't you seen Planet of the Apes?about a minute ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz Joey, give it a rest. We've been under some kind of legislation since 1776 - dare you to try and change that. If you want the answers to your questions, Google it7 minutes ago · ·
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- Jenn Wagnitz And here I thought the picture had a great message... Didn't know I was going to have to defend ALL of my personal moral convictions4 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz I'm not a bully, but I do speak my mind if I think it's warranted. But when I do, I use rational thoughts and ideasabout a minute ago ·
- Joey Arnold http://l4r.blogspot.com/20
11/10/do-you-have-rights-t o-take-my-rights.html a few seconds ago · ·
- Brian Germain I just think its funny when you post something profound or something there could be a backlash from there always is. But if you post something bautiful or positive most of the time there is like three comments.about a minute ago · ·
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- Joey Arnold @ Jenn: the concept of creating laws is still a dangerous process. I understand that laws are not formed instantly. It is voted for. It has to pass through two houses. However, do the votes of those people represent the views and personal convictions of everyday Americans, our society, or is it ridged?a few seconds ago · ·
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- Jenn Wagnitz What if God was one of us, just a slob like one of us. Just a stranger on a bus...a few seconds ago ·
- Joey Arnold You guys seem to believe in some reformed conception to temporary rights and freedoms that is isolated and misaligned with lasting and proactive rights, freedoms, morality.2 seconds ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz @Joey - what is normal? To me it's just a setting on my dishwasher. Normal, like perfection, are what you perceive them to bea few seconds ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz @Joey - what is normal? To me it's just a setting on my dishwasher. Normal, like perfection, are what you perceive them to be2 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz (which psych class to tap into... abnormal, intro, org behavior, child dev...)a few seconds ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz (which psych class to tap into... abnormal, intro, org behavior, child dev...)7 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz i can also by abnormally perfect, perfectly imperfect, and abnormally imperfect6 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain how can something be perfectly imperfect if perfection exists in the way that you say mr' Joey man5 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold normality is a generality of a calculation from statistics, calculations, estimations, probability, generality, normality, etc5 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain you can believe in whatever you wish that is the great thing about belief2 minutes ago ·
- Joey Arnold perfection is a concept that you guys seem to be avoiding. The concept is not simple a joke. Just because you lack it, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.2 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz See, the thing is Joey, we grew tired of this discussion long ago. That is why we're goofing offabout a minute ago · ·
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- Brian Germain I am not lacking perfection, I have it in the other room.. my daughter plays it every now and thenabout a minute ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz do you value your persona safety - and want to avoid testicle retrieval operation?9 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain I mean idiocy is wone thing and I knoww you can take care of yourself but hey. I gotta draw it somewhere6 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz thx for having my back... he doesn't even know how close he came to me coming unglued on him6 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz he has it on his wall, even comments he doesn't agree with the red letters - then why put it on your wall?5 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain so now the question is do I leave the inane banter for anyone foolish enough to read it or do I just delete nearly everythign back to the beginning :)5 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain lol he got this one his wall for his last comment lol - literally laughing out loud over here
"Joey Arnold or maybe not
Unable to post comment. Try Again"3 minutes ago · ·1 person
- Boe Bees this whole conversation is saved at http://l4r.blogspot.com/l4r.blogspot.coma few seconds ago · ·
- Boe Bees this whole conversation is saved at http://l4r.blogspot.com/l4r.blogspot.com3 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz and isn't too bright - his blog has his address & phone number postedabout a minute ago ·
Brian Germain if you have been reading they have been answered and addressed. repeatedly
a few seconds ago ·
- Brian Germain failure to see the answers is myopia on his part not for lack of trying on minea few seconds ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz *smh* will these kids ever learn not to mess with the grown-ups Brian?a few seconds ago ·
- Brian Germain didn't think I had what right? You realize your not even in my friends list right? and with me having 4000+ friends thats saying somethinga few seconds ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz according to "blake webb's" page, he's dead, why else would there be a memorial fund in your namea few seconds ago ·
- Brian Germain probably how joey makes his money setting up facebook accounts for supposedly dead people and then scamming money off innocent victims who feel sorry for him4 minutes ago · ·
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- Jenn Wagnitz I feel sorry for him to have to stoop that low, all in an attempt to get attention3 minutes ago · ·
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- Brian Germain did you miss when I said this to him "I am not lacking perfection, I have it in the other room.. my daughter plays it every now and then"2 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain he's probably too young to know what perfection is... thjough i think they still make it... Guess who's back back againabout a minute ago ·
- Arnold Attic brian, stop contradicting yourself
- Jenn Wagnitz I'm glad the reporting process is so easy when you're stupid enough to use all the same info in each profileabout a minute ago ·
jen u dont get it
i will delete the pic of your neice if u promise to answer my questions, think about my questions, undelete, get my post back, please, because my questions are only about rights and freedoms..... why wont u think about that please
- 12 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz My pic has my niecein it, and it's on his blog. I want that $hit gone. He has no right to post mine or her pic w/o permission11 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz wow, i just looked at the clock. I gotta get to bed. Who'd thought we would have messed with some whacked out religious wierdo over an amusing picture?6 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain it's a rss feed just copying the facebook feed not sure you can get rid of it but you can report it to blogger and they can.6 minutes ago ·
- Oh Oatmeal i will delete the pic of your neice if u promise to answer my questions, think about my questions, undelete, get my post back, please, because my questions are only about rights and freedoms..... why wont u think about that please2 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain when I call your mom tomorrow she can answer them I have already called and left her a messageabout a minute ago ·
- u dont believe in rights, freedoms.... u want to take my rights and freedoms away.... i am not religiousPress Enter to post your comment.
- Brian Germain it's a rss feed just copying the facebook feed not sure you can get rid of it but you can report it to blogger and they can.12 minutes ago ·
- Oh Oatmeal i will delete the pic of your neice if u promise to answer my questions, think about my questions, undelete, get my post back, please, because my questions are only about rights and freedoms..... why wont u think about that please9 minutes ago ·
- Brian Germain when I call your mom tomorrow she can answer them I have already called and left her a message8 minutes ago ·
- Living Jesus u dont believe in rights, freedoms.... u want to take my rights and freedoms away.... i am not religious4 minutes ago ·
- Living Jesus u dont believe in rights, freedoms.... u want to take my rights and freedoms away.... i am not religious6 minutes ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz I'm not in a ladylike mood. I would reduce you to tears you assclowna few seconds ago ·
- Living Jesus http://youtube.com/JoeyArn
oldVEVO www.youtube.comHottest music videos on the planet. Oatmeal you can eat. Oatmeal you can trust ...See More2 seconds ago · ·
- Living Jesus http://youtube.com/ArnoldA
ttic www.youtube.com1996-2011 All Rights Reserved. Tales from an Attic. Ever been stuck, up in an ...See Morea few seconds ago · · - Jenn Wagnitz desperate little boy so starved for attention he tries to force people to pay attention to him with his inane questions - that have been answered more than thoroughly - and ridiculous amount of fake profiles that pop up after a profile gets deleteda few seconds ago · ·
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- 2 minutes ago · ·
- Jenn Wagnitz desperate little boy so starved for attention he tries to force people to pay attention to him with his inane questions - that have been answered more than thoroughly - and ridiculous amount of fake profiles that pop up after a profile gets deletedabout a minute ago · ·
1 person
- Jenn Wagnitz now he's just spamming your wall with his personal links... how pathetica few seconds ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz now he's just spamming your wall with his personal links... how pathetic4 minutes ago ·
- Securing Salvation Favorite Quotations
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
"A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education."
"A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues."
"A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user."
"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people."
"Believe you can and you're halfway there."
"Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country."
"Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind."
"I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is character!"
"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."
"It is difficult to make our material condition better by the best law, but it is easy enough to ruin it by bad laws."
"Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground."
"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."
-Theodore Roosevelt2 seconds ago ·
- Jenn Wagnitz desperate little boy so starved for attention he tries to force people to pay attention to him with his inane questions - that have been answered more than thoroughly - and ridiculous amount of fake profiles that pop up after a profile gets deleted14 minutes ago ·
1 person
- Jenn Wagnitz "Joey Arnold That is why I believe that all rights are issued from God and ultimately for God in all situations, variables, etc." - but he has no religious agenda... my cat's ass
- Jenn Wagnitz "Joey Arnold That is why I believe that all rights are issued from God and ultimately for God in all situations, variables, etc." - but he has no religious agenda... my cat's ass13 minutes ago ·
- Mickey Morehead Jenn is making fun of me too: a man can love a man or a donkey: funny u took the time to find a Joey Arnold quote, and yet you skip his probing: http://www.facebook.com/je
nn.wagnitz Oakland CC2 seconds ago · ·
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