live for only jesus
]]>Obama is telling you what you want to hear, is young, is capable, has fantastic motives, and seems to deserve your vote!
McCain has been shunned by the media, is old, has an interesting voting record, is not entirely Republican (like Bush), and he was an actual American super hero (unlike once actor Arnold Schwarzenegger who only played them on films)! Arnold supports McCain, by the way! Joey Arnold (me), favors McCain over Obama!
I really do like Obama, but McCain has more heart for the job. Obama wants a bigger spending, bigger government, wants to spread the wealth, raise taxes, and supports abortion! I like Obama for his speeches, for his ability to tell us what we want to hear so that we will favor him. Obama hired excellent campaign and speech writers! Obama had a bigger campaign budget! McCain wants to end the war in the Middle East, but Obama wants to quickly quit our investment out there.
I have been undecided, until this first day of November, 2008. I have been reading and watching, politically, for the last two months, and I see much integrity in McCain. And Obama is too much like Bill and Hillary Clinton. And McCain is not George Bush, by the way!
McCain is calling for the real change, not Obama!
Dear friends and family: how are you doing? Greetings from me, Joseph Scott Arnold, your friend, brother, and former employee.
If we had the time, if you do not already know, I would tell you about how I was born and raised in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA, into a broken family, into a trailer, into personal setbacks, and yet, beyond all that, somehow, my mom home-schooled me until public high-school. Right after that, I was a student at the Word Of Life Bible Institute, in Pottersville, New York, for two years, 2004-2006. That followed with my transfer to the Appalachian Bible College, in Bradley, West Virginia, for the 2006-2007 school-year, then I came back home to save my mom, physically and financially. Somehow, after that, I volunteered with the Revolution Hawaii mission-team, in Hawaii, sponsored by The Salvation Army, during the 2007-2008 school-year. Plus, this summer, of 2008, was my fourth year, in a row, as a youth camp counselor.
Currently, I am back at home, where it all started, inside this broken twenty-five year-old trailer, alongside my abusive father (Donald Arnold), who is a heavy drinker, and his "disabled" girl-friend, Debbie Dove. What am I going to do with my life? I was planning on doing something but I disqualified myself from that, or something happened. Therefore, here is my plan, I think, as of right now: I am trying to move into my sister’s (Crystal) old apartment, for $350/month, in Portland, Oregon, because she is moving out of there in a couple of weeks, around October of 2008. Therefore, I am looking for a job (around there) in the field of youth work, at best, or in the field of web-design, journalism, acting, movie-production, art, teaching, or even telecommunications.
If you would like to be on my spiritual support team, to simple pray for me, to simple say that you care, and nothing more, then just let me know, free of charge.
If you would like to be one of my references, on my job resume, as a friend, relative, acquaintance, enemy, employee, or employer, then let me know, free of charge. If you were to ask me about this, about my job resume, about why I would be putting together a list of job-references, this way, then I would tell you that it never hurts to have too many references! If you were to be one of my job-references, you would be given the freedom or requirement to be honest about me, about what you think about me, what you do not like about me, what I can improve on, what you hate about me, what you do not like so much about me, what you really feel about me from deep inside me, and all, because I need this, I need to get better, I need to learn, and all!
Yours truly, through Jesus:
Joseph Scott Arnold:
3839 Pacific 163: Forest Grove, OR 97116
Cell: 503-367-4695;
By the way, if you were curious at all, this summer, I started teaching myself some guitar and piano: because I have a passion for music ministry. And during this past year, I have been learning about fear (of the Lord), about reference, about respect, about taking life serious, because I really do want to make a difference by being a difference! The older I get, the more people tell me that I have a gift with working with kids! At this point in my life, I am praying to God for direction because I want to give God all I got and do all that I can for Him. I feel like this is the biggest transitional period in my life, ever, which is scary and yet very exciting, too! I do not want to mess up with this crossroad, in my life, as I can go anywhere, right now! I feel so strange to be out of college, right now, and I want to return to it. But at the same time, I just want to be out there, reading children books to kids, making movies for kids, writing books for kids, drawing pictures for them, researching some more about them and about better ways of reaching them, and planting seeds in that big grand harvest out there (especially since the youth are the future, and they are key for the present, too)! That is what I am all about: but my transformation would not be possible without all of you people: I owe a big thank you to you, and to a lot of people out there: to my mom (and even to my dad), to family, to Katie Arnold, to relatives, to the Williams, to the Moreheads, to friends, to the Bishops, to church friends, to the Gassers, to Pete Steele, and his family, to the Koelbls, to my high-school friends, to Kari Herinckx, to Ander E, to an endless list of others, to my college friends, to everybody at the Word Of Life Bible Institute, in New York, to Ric Garland, and his family, to Tom Davis, to Marshall Wicks, to those at Appalachian Bible College, to the Andersons, to the many teachers there, and to the many friends from there, and then to my new friends and family within the busy revolutionary world of The Salvation Army, to the Collins, to Lincoln and Fulton Hawk, and their friends and family, to Rob Noland and his family and friends, to the Saunders, friends, Hawaiians, Kealoha Irvine, and to the Revolution Hawaii mission-team program that I was on!
If you are interested in being on the financial support team, for Revolution Hawaii (but not for me, at all, since I am no longer on that team), then send your checks to the following address, made payable to The Salvation Army:
Revolution Hawaii: (for their support): 2950 Manoa Road: Honolulu, HI 96822;
If you are interested in forming a foundation to your life, in forming lifelong friendships, in studying God's Word, and in getting hands-on ministry opportunities at reaching-out, at making a difference in this world, then take a look at my most favorite college in this world, the Word Of Life Bible Institute, in New York:
Adam Cook: Dean of Enrollment Management (at Word Of Life Bible Institute):
Office: (518) 494-1454:;
I will surely pray for you. I read your reports every time I can.
Love you, May God bless you.
@SergeLemee - Can you be reference for me?
]]>There is more to my story. I need to tell you about this. I am not sure if I can tell you everything. I am still trying to figure this all out. I am not even exactly sure what is going on. You already know that I blew it. My friend gave me the opportunity to do ministry in California. I burnt down that bridge, that door, that chance. I made a bunch of mistakes. My bad. I understand that all this is my fault and all. Don't get me wrong, I do understand that I have been being a fool. Correct my bad grammar. I understand. I should of known better. But there is a twist to the story. And that is, I was innocent.
I am innocent.
My friend made the offer about seven months ago, in February. 'If you continue messing up then you will not get to go to California.' I should of known better. I was too innocent. I stopped listening. No way. I always listen. I try to listen, honest to my God. I mean, I do. I do not know what happened. Several times, I was late to meetings. My bad. No excuse. And I do not even try to defend myself. I mean, the older I get, the less I defend myself. I would be late. But I am so innocent in doing so.
One Tuesday, I was making my way back home for Bible Study, in Hawaii. I was out there socializing with the youth and homeless. I quickly hopped on a bus. I was told that most of the buses, in Honolulu, would transfer to Ala Moana Transit Center. I got lost. I had to get on several buses. And I got lost several times while in Hawaii. I should have knew better. I should of asked for direction. But I thought knew where was going.
And there are also a lot of other problems, too. I am learning to become more dependable, honest, consistent, reliable, trustworthy, caring, and all, now, but it seems to be too late now. I find it hard to apologize to my friends. I get distracted. I try to do too many things. I love people and all. I want to make a difference. But I let too many things stop me from reaching out like my Uncle Jimmy Williams, who has passed away. I have officially reached rock bottom at this point in my life. If you are reading this then you must know that I am very heart broken right now. I even called a girl ugly. And I feel that I cannot forgive myself from it. Especially since I started liking her and everything. And I am just broken in so many ways. And I will admit this. I would rather not let people see my heart full of these wounds. But I am hurting. And I feel like an idiot. Just a dork with broken glasses. I have had broken glasses for the past fourteen months, about. People still giggle, 'You need new glasses.' No duh, but I am unable. I have more important things to worry about, like where am I going to rest my head. I feel hurt by what people say. And I started thinking about suicide. But my older sister has been talking to me this weekend. And God has been whispering to me. And there are a lot of other people too, that have been daring me to get past this hole. My Hawaiian friend has inspired me to be strong. And I seem to have this support from others. Still, I messed up. Yet, the twist, of this story, makes this story worth contemplating. That is what I tell you. If you do not think about the twist to this story: then the story will twist you to make an unworthy conclusion. You need to know that I feel betrayed.
I feel betrayed!
I cannot tell you that I was betrayed by my friend in California, or by anybody. I have decided that I do not believe that I was betrayed or tricked. My friends do care about me. And they have made decisions. I am not sure if they made the best decisions. But they made logical decisions. I understand. And I forgive them. And I find it easier to forgive them all than to forgive myself. Now, I am being told not to beat myself up. I am forgiving myself. I am healing and all. But still, I feel betrayed. I understand what happened. I understand how I blew it, now. But it is too late now. I did not know all this before. I was officially told last Wednesday, August 13, 2008, I think, the same day that my uncle died. I mean, I was at a Bible retreat, during the third to the last day, when they told me. It should not have been the end of the world. I should of had a backup plan!
Why did I did not have a backup plan?
Because I was told not to. You can tell me if you think I should of knew better. But you need to know this. I was told that I would go to California. Obviously, I should of known that I was disqualifying myself from it. But I did not think that I could disqualify myself from it. Every time I messed up, I prayed that I would not do it again, but it kept happening. Nobody can trust a maniac like me, you can think. I should of had a backup plan, a plan b, you know. But I was scared. I would call my friend, write to my friend, and all. I told him that I was not sure if I was suppose to take his offer and go to California. He would then wonder why I would say such things or something. I was not exactly sure but I was pondering backup plans. But somehow, I was definite that I would go to California. Therefore, I had no backup plan. I mean, I was going to get some backup plans, and I almost got some, but my friend seem to take that as my way of saying 'I'm not committed, I do not want to do ministry in Long Beach, California, I am not even sure if I am your friend, or I am not ready yet for all of this or whatever.' It would seem that I was saying that.
I called him, once, stating that I was going to mess up more, and my friend told me how that is normal. Somehow, I fell in a trance, almost. He has desired to be that friend to the end, a mentor, a guide, and all. And I started believing all that. I mean, he was serious. He was not lying. But it almost seem like that. It seem too good to be true. And yet, I ended up disqualifying myself, somehow. And I have good reasons or excuses to all of this, and I could tell you more. And I want to tell you more. And I am still trying to figure out all of this. And I am trying to learn from all this and get past all this. And I want to get better. And I am trying to get better. And I am praying about all that and all. And I am still not sure exactly how I ended up in this hole. How can I be in this hole? Why was I this vulnerable? Why was I too busy? Why did I even go to Revolution Hawaii? Oh wait, that is a bad question. I needed Revolution Hawaii. I am not being sarcastic, ok. But at the same time, I wish that all this was not so hard. I have cried more in this past year then in my whole life. I have cried more in the last seven days then I have cried in my whole entire life, I think. And I have been spiritually growing more, during the last year, than ever before. But I still wonder. And can I trust people, now? I mean, I can if I follow through with my part of the deal, I suppose. But still, I wonder why I was incapable of understanding what my part of the deal was. And why did I not have backup plans? But I actually wanted some backup plans. I mean, I should of just told him that. I could of fixed this mess, too. Beyond that, I would not need backup plans if I did not disqualify myself from the first plan. But I have made myself to be untrustworthy, undependable, unreliable, and all that kind of faulty attributes.
I have ruined my life!
This weekend, during this reunion (and my uncle's funeral), I have felt so much pain. I have been encouraged, too, by family. But it gets worse. My grandmother, Skip, started teasing me about all this. She would tell me, "Joey, what are you going to do." I would calmly and sadly tell her nothing. "You should of planned ahead." I know that, I affirmed. "I do not understand you," she sighed and lightly laughed. My grandfather, age 81, seem unaware of my distress and hugged me goodbye, stating that "It is hard to keep track of you" because you never know what state I will be in next (the state of homelessness? Maybe). My grandmother just walked off without hugging me. I got really mad. She did wave goodbye. But these grandparents have never really seen us, hate my mom, and so much more. Yikes. maybe you don't understand. But at the same time, I did not want to be at the reunion. I felt like a fool at the reunion. I felt like I was so foolish for not having a plan. In other words, I planned to failed.
Get past those plans of failures!
My sister, Katie, told me to have perspective, to realize that there is a plan, there is a hope, and all. I know, I think. But at the same time, I am not sure if this was destiny. I guess I was suppose to be here, completely empty, like never before. But at the same time, I cannot even imagine what I have missed out on. I was dreaming of California. I mean, I wanted to go really badly. But I burnt those bridges. And worse off then that, I am telling the whole world about this. I feel like I am blackmailing myself right now. I cannot believe that I would let anybody know about all this. I would rather let you know that I am perfect or close to it. I mean, I do not want to deceive you or anything. But I want you to trust me and use me. And I was praying and crying during the last twelve days or so. I have been praying and tearing out prayers of urgency. I was praying, "God, make me depend on you more, empty me, give me a fire for you like nothing else, I want to live for you, and nobody else, I want to all this to count, I do not want to mess up any more, I do not want to hurt people any more!"
That was on my mind on Wednesday, August 13, 2008!
I was crying, that Wednesday, for my uncle, for disqualifying myself from doing ministry in California, but I was also crying for dependency. I am wanting doors to open like never before. And I am sick and tired of mediocrity. I am not going to be homeless. I am not going to let my life be ruined because of poor choices. I mean, it seems like I ruined my life. I often feel that way. I feel like people cannot take me serious or whatever. I feel like I have done much evil (even through, I am innocent). But I will fight, I will go and seek to be a hero to others!
Keep fighting with the fire of Jesus!
Reach out to others with the spirit of heroes!
Joseph Scott Arnold
i am sorry, sweetheart. How are you holding up?
Pray that I can find a home and a job.
As of right now, I have none.
Joseph Scott Arnold
I should of said goodbye!
I did not say bye because we left a day early (Thursday night), because I was upset, because I hate saying goodbye, because I was confused, because it all happened so quickly, because I thought nobody really cared too much, because of too many reasons, I say, for these are my excuses and not reasons for not saying goodbye, but I should of said goodbye to everybody, including Rob Noland, who is the director to Revolution Hawaii, and who is a loyal friend to me.
At The End!
This is me at the end!
This is the end of burning bridges, of merely receiving from others. I need to give back. I mean, I feel that I am at the end of things. I mean, I feel like I burnt down to many bridges, I dig too many holes, ruined to many friendships or relationships with others. I mean, I feel that have ruined my life in many aspects. I feel that people cannot take me serious, see me reliable, balance, consistent, or strong. I am tired of letting people down. I am seeking a new beginning. I reached the end of anything that you do not like about me. Ok, so I might not fix myself overnight. But you can help me. You can let me know how I can improve. I am being serious at this point. If you are reading this then know that I am asking for your input.
What do I do best?
What do I do least?
How can I do better?
How can I improve?
What do you like?
How can you help me help myself?
Please let me know what you think.
You do not have to know me to input your concern. I need your help. I mean, I am just a little sad. Oh wait, I am actually quite concern. I feel like I am in a big hole right now. I am there for so many reasons. I should stop crying about how I got into this hole. I want to cry about how I fell into this hole. But I need to get out and back. And this is what I am saying. I am on the quest of Independence, of revolution, of interdependence.
I cannot stay at Mom's
I cannot live at either of my siblings.
I still have more options. I am still looking.
But I do not plan to fail at this pursuit for destiny.
This story is not over yet!]]>
my paradigm says only a MAN secure in his MANhood would deck his xanga page out in pink and hearts! your still on my boat....i'm digging the beard, learning to surf yet?
]]>love the layout!
]]>Thank you Joey for your comment! I was glad to have received it! How is your summer going? What has God been teaching you?!?! Do you have any new stories for me?
Anyways, You Joey are always an encouragement to me.
]]>一個來自香港的女生作嘅四川賑災歌, 給大家分享一下~
a girl from Hong Kong, just want to express my support for the Xichuan people through this song, You must be strong!( and also to those who are going through hard time)
<embed width="448" height="365" src="" quality="high" bgcolor="000000" name="efp" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" flashvars="flvbaseclip=2784492&"> </embed> <h1><a href="">oatmeal</a></h1><span>Posted Nov 01, 2006</span><p>Joey makes a music video, and shares the secrets to his existence.</p>
i'm don't believe i understand your .. remixed english
]]>Australia for the fall of 2008. I want to find a way to attend college there. If anybody knows anything then let me know.
People praying for you: | ||
Rob Noland |
Jennifer Moore |
Ruina Taba |
hahaha a list for women.
you're the only person asking for it.
i guess i'll post if i have any ideas.
(got to do some research with my male friends)
Just read your "about me" section after you stopped by my page. You seem to be an interesting fellow! I was over-reacting in the entry I had, but thank you for validating my feelings and letting me know I'm not alone! You rock, my friend!
P.S. Have you ever read, "The Glass Castle?" Something in your "About me" section caught my attention and I though of this book. It's an excellent read and very inspiring. A rags to riches kind of autobiography... Check it out and let me know what you think. Author: Jeanette Walls.
]]>Praying for you.
]]>Hey Joey.
Thanks for your letter when I was in France.I am back in Australia now.One thing you should know is that in Australia the school year runs from February to November. Not September to June like the states.Do you want to go to a college or something like a community college.Christian or Secular.So you might want to think about starting in February 2008 or 2009.much love.]]>
My Address: |
You Are Me. Wow. Yeah. You think? My story is like your story. Yeah? My story started in a ghetto of Oregon… imagine being forgotten by some… imagine your dad, your life, your mom, your friends, being far behind, all as the nemesis, you think… after herding through New York for two years, West Virginia, and now Hawaii, you resign your former thoughts… The force of greatest threat was closer… |
I joined the team. Revolution Next year, starting 9/1/08, I want to attend school in This is like your story, too. What you think? It’s not over… Yet. | ||
Joey Arnold | |||
Revolution | |||
96822 | |||
Expires: 9/1/08 | |||
Cell: 503-367-4695 | |||
Contact Me: | ||||
Search “L4OJ” to find me on blogs, etc. | |||
Support: You need me. I need you. Everything, for this mission year, costs $4,000. I dare you to give a $20 to me, made payable to Salvation Army. |
| |||
| ||||
Update 2007
10/04/07 r 07:35pm hst JSA Office
The purpose of writing a support letter is to find people to support me. But I must also talk about my life and get people to see things in new ways. I want to help people and not just ask for money. This part is not included in the actual letter.
Update 2007
r 07:35pm hst JSA Office
Joey Arnold
2950 Manoa Rd.
Honolulu, HI 96822
Cell: 503.367.4695
Live 4 Only Jesus
What are you living for?
My Mother:
Marilyn Arnold
P.O. Box 1031
Forest Grove, OR 97116
Cell: 503.367.4698
Feedback: Comments, questions, prayers, pictures, or anything: are appreciated and that is why I wrote to you.
Remember: In remembrance of my most longest-lasting and most favorite childhood friend, Tiffany Rochelle Cumbo (12/86-4/03): for her joy, bunny rabbit cuteness spirit; her joy pudding charm, her legacy, and for her L4 personality.
I volunteered to do ministry work, alongside six other young adults, on a mission team called “Revolution Hawaii,” from August 31st of 2007 until the summer of 2008. Then, we plan to do more work in Micronesia until the end of August of 2008.
Rob Noland
All Rights: If you no longer want to hear from me, if you have complaints or anything, then let me know. But remember that I did write to you, personally, about my life, because I want to hear from you. Thanks.
My Life: has been challenging but it has also, surprisingly, been exciting: sometimes bad but good can come from it; it often seems coincidental but it actually has been directed from God; dangerous even but it is eternally worth it.
Dear ________________________,
Good has come from bad via my directed life but what about you?
Hey, can you email me some pictures of yourself?
Because I’m building my own personal daily praying address book.
Can you relate to my three worlds that outlines my life?
How are you doing, by the way?
Can you support my third world?
And how can I support you, pray for you?
World I.
My first world, my childhood, my foundation to my life, was good, bad, and worth it; my life has not been a mistake: it has not been directed by coincidence but it has been directed by God (Ephesians 2:10).
The good in my life was seen when I was born because I was smiling instead of crying.
I was able to hum songs and draw at an early age. Attended churches, clubs, sports, youth groups, programs, camps, and was home schooled until high school.
I attended AWANA, Olympians, Teens Involved, high school dances.
Been addicted to video games, movies, girls, mysteries, food, life, laughing, etc.
Was a girl’s high school basketball co-manager.
Build, invented, and thought up things.
I was like Tom Sawyer with glasses.
The bad in my life was seen through many tragedies that were suppose to stop me.
Was almost prematurely born at three months.
My IQ was said to have been 75 at age seven.
I momentarily thought I was an alien when I was age four because I could not talk well.
I was far behind, educationally.
Never thought I would be able to say my name, at summer basketball camp, without stuttering or whispering: some thought I was Jerry.
As a family, we faced various perils, even financially.
Out of the bad, more than the good from my life: God was able to direct all that and use it for good (Romans 8:28): for helping me (Philippians 1:6): and for, because of all that in my life, understand, relate, and then help others for the rest of my life.
Because of all that in my life, I may never be rich, famous, cool, or anything: loving God by loving others, loving through action (1 John 4:19), Living 4 Only Jesus (L4OJ), is eternally worth it: but what are you going to do? Who are you Living 4 (L4)?
World II.
My second world, my directed path, can be seen in three aspects.
I’m amazed at how God is using (directing) the good and bad, in my life, for good, for helping others.
First, I was directed to forming a foundation to my life.
I attended Word Of Life Bible Institute in New York (2004-2006), and was then part of their children ministry team.
Then, attended Appalachian Bible College in West Virginia (2006-2007): and, now, I work in Hawaii. I was a camp counselor (2005-2007) in Oregon, California, and New York:
for a total of more than twenty weeks.
But I was directed to doing all that before pursuing a career, for what I love in any of the following:
Writing, art. Music, acting, inventing, web design, dance, girls, food, travel, adventure, movies, mysteries, secrets, urban legends, stories, dinosaurs, video games, having fun: anything besides the Bible or helping people.
I was directed from those desires: now, in my life, I desire helping people.
Second, my verbally abusive, workaholic, never-pay-the-bills-aholic, deceiving-charm-aholic, alcoholic dad left my mom—spring, 2007.
I was directed home—summer, 2007—to help, support, and get her back on her feet: but did I fail because I’m in Hawaii but she is still in a peril situation in Oregon? But good can come from all this in our lives.
She is earning minimum wage, as a dishwasher, at age 56; but, if not for all that bad in her life, for all her health and other complications, she would off her medications, food stamps, depression, bipolar, financial debts, emotional malfunctions, and other crippling elements.
She would have a better chance at becoming any of the following:
nutritionist, naturopath, theologian, accountant, singer, writer, editor, English specialist, tutor, counselor, senator, Para-legalist, payroll clerk, librarian, researcher, office manager, psychologist, drug counselor, transcriptionist, actress, or anything.
But stay in tune. What will happen next in life?
Third, I’m not sure where I’ll be directed to for next year—starting, 9/1/08.
But I’m reapplying to Moody Bible Institute (Chicago, IL) to study Historical Theology. If not that, then may I be directed to work, volunteer, or study in Australia, Israel, China, or anywhere in this world. I would also like to study: history, music, art, writing, web design, acting, making movies; plus general courses: math, science, English, science.
World III.
My third world, my current work in my life, seems bad but there are good things coming from it.
As a team, alongside six others, we read books, weekly; pray; study the Bible; receive occasional training; help out churches, clubs; volunteer; live, help; love; talk; listen; feed people; teach; play with children; and occasionally, knock on doors, ask “how can I pray for you?,” start a relationship with them: loving them, first, through action.
One week, from Tuesday to Saturday, we lived in two tents, alongside the homeless on the beach.
Hawaii has some of the biggest Crystal Meth (ice) and other drug problems: which makes Hawaii dangerous and in need of hope (Romans 6:23).
Because of that, we have volunteered one year, out of our lives, for spending time with people: with the homeless, needy, druggies, prostitutes, drunks, smokers, gangsters, gays, parents, surfers, and especially the children; regardless of their religion, race, look, or anything. We are learning to do what Christ did on earth.
Not only are we not getting paid, for being missionaries, but we also need $4,000, each.
The total cost, for everything, is $15,000 but Salvation Army was able to issue, to each one of us, a $11,000 Divisional Tuition Grant to lessen the tuition cost to only $4,000.
It often seems bad, to support, to give money to missionaries, but it could be good (beneficial) for our lives.
Can you be part of my support team?
Can you be part of my third world (of my life)?
If you cannot support me, financially, then can you support me through prayer (say, every Tuesday)?
Hey, whatever you do (good or bad), in your life, please stay in contact with me.
Joey Arnold
Proverbs 3:5-6
Psalms 119:105
If you would like to be part of my support team, by donating a one-time gift of $20 to help pay for my $4,000 need: then consider these benefits, as follows:
Benefit I: Connection: I can continue to write to you (about my life) with more details and pictures: keep you updates, answer questions, stay in contact with you; I can challenge, quiz, or even inform you with matters.
Benefit II: Mention: I could put you in an acknowledgement, when I start writing books. I’ll even put you on a special list, my support team list (which is special in my life).
Benefit III: Attention: what else can I do for you? Write and draw picture about or for you. I can if you want. Biblically, you could be blessed.
If you want to support me, then do the following:
1. Make your check or money order payable to The Salvation Army (which will be tax deductible; and a receipt will be issued at the end of each calendar year).
2. Write my name, “Joey Arnold,” on the memo line.
3. Stick it in the envelope and send it to my address.
]]>What's going on man?
Who are you going to go to Hawaii with?
I'm going to be going to France from the beginning of September til the end of November.
Let me know what's going on in your life.
You can message or comment on my facebook or you can e-mail me at
Catch you later Broseph!]]>
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]]>hey joey.
im in france for 3 months.
send me a postcard or letter to
Timothy Knight
26 rue saint anne,
22100 Quevert
What is your address.
Ill write to you too.
]]>Tim, my address is below, and I also have a quick message about me. The message below is automated. Opps. But read it.
I am Joey Arnold "Oatmeal." It is both challenging and exciting to do ministry in Hawaii. Can I send you pictures?
am on this ministry team called Revolution Hawaii, for the school year
of 2007-2008, in Hawaii [ask me about my mom. But things are getting
better with her, maybe, despite the difficult situations]. But pray for
all seven us, on this Revolution Hawaii team, as we each need $4,000 of
support [that means you can be part of the team by sending money];
especially since we will be going to the Marshall Islands for the summer
of 2008. But we are so busy all the time. We are starting relationships
with the homeless and needy. We are doing so much. Reading the whole
Bible together, reading books, prayers, helping out churches, going door
to door to pray with people, to start relationships with people. We are
becoming lights, a testimony, an example of Christ. We are learning how
to love God by loving others. It does not make sense. I never thought I
would be in Hawaii because of all the problems that I have faced in my
life, especially the most recent things. But God knows better. God wins.
So, I, Joey, am learning to trust God in faith, to pray, and to live
for Him, to L4OJ, to seek after what is best, like never before. It is
amazing. Can I tell you more? Just pray for us [or can you support us
because we need it? Never mind. I am not begging.I can't force anybody
to help but I do ask you do what is best. Whatever that is. But if you
make a mistake then God will get you. Yeah. Sorry but thanks. Yeah]..
Thanks. If you would like me to write to you, or to anybody else, then
tell me your address, or their address.
It would be better if you told somebody about this.
Salvation Army
Revolution Hawaii
Joey Arnold
2950-A Manoa Rd
Honolulu HI 96822
Cell: 503-367-4695
God has done and is continueing to do amazing things in and through your life. Doctor's told my mom I wouldn't live past 2 - this coming May, I'll be 30! We serve an awesome God who loves us, cares for us, and desires that we serve Him faithfully, no matter where we are. Continue serving Him and He will provide for all of your needs. He's so Faithful.
]]>Hey man! How are you? Sounds like youve got an awesome ministry! Keep strong in it. You can get burned out and frustrated even in Hawaii! Hard to believe, I know, but when we do ministry based on our own strengths and not His. Or when we trust on our own wisdom and not His. etc.
Pray for our upcoming Leadership Conference. We want to see 50 people. We want to challenge hearts and change ministries!!
Pray for Hailey that she will grow strong.
Pray that we start more excellent ministries....not just more, but excellent!
hey the pretty cooll
]]>Joey Arnold
that is my name.
Playing is my game.
Life has been tough as a college student, counselor, son of my "widowed mom".... never mind.... do you get upset if I talk about sad things? don't you worry because there is hope..... think about what I learned... you can read it if you read this all.... tell me what you think about what I have been learning....
can you do that?
Poured Out.
Ok, so I am writing about myself. Yeah. If you know me then you know that I am very upbeat about life, that I always have a smile on my face, I am full of creativity, and I want to make this world a better place... yeah... ok... does that make sense? You will also know that every once in a while, I feel depress and I just complain, like anybody else, that all is doom and lost.
Tragedy is in the face of my family, as everybody faces it in some way or another. That is sad. People need money. I need money. We need money. I get tired. You get tired. We get tired. Yeah. I am bored. You are bored. Yeah. But somehow I wish I can communicate that beyond those similarities are differences in the problems that we all face. My biggest tragedy is not of my mom and her survival, or of her ability to make a difference in this world. My biggest problem is not in my education, my siblings, my health, my travels, my possible future wife, my money, or anything of those nature; but my biggest problem, as it be yours too, is that of submission. Big word, huh? No.
Tragedy is in me. I have been stressed during the last several years of my life. Each week is tougher. I am realizing that I must trust God and stop being so selfish. Yeah, I face many problems. You do too. We all do. Ok. Yeah. That is life. But how will I deal with it. I want to think that I know it all. I know the Bible. I can be so selfish. I think that I have all the answers or the ones that count. I think this and that. Yeah. And so do you. God do things in our lives so that we can learn to live for Him, which is best.
I could talk about what I have done in my life or I could go out there and continue to do it. I think I need to continue to live. I need to continue to make a difference. I am tired of only living for myself. L4. I want to L4. I want to Live for only Jesus. L4OJ. I want to. I dare. I am just a boy. I have been stressed or bothered with life. I am learning. Eh. What do I say. I am growing up. How can this be. I have fell in love several times in my life. I still do. But every time I fall in love then. Eh... ummm.... like, I need to realize that first and only love is in L4. Right? Yeah. I mean, who reads my notes? You do. Right? Good. If you have never had the desire to be like me then good because I will fail you. Be like my Creator. If you have desired to be like me then I am flatter but be like Jesus. Hey. And if you have ever wanted to date me then... ummm... ok. Well then I am really flattered but never mind that. Have a date with jesus. Amen. But really.
Personally, I may go to Hawaii but then again I may not. Ok. here I am writing about my life. Do you hear me? I just want you to know that I am ok. Life may be ok but I am somewhat ok. But at the same time I am not. I think I am getting over the "does that girl like me" phase of my life and now I am moving onto bigger things in my life. But it is tough. So many people. So many things and issues. I know the Bible and I have studied it for three years. I need to be focused and content. yeah. i can do that. So many decisions. So many things on my mind.
But I am commited to loving life more than before. But not in a silly stupid way. But in a real genuine inspirational strawberry pinnapple sparkle liout of my life kind of way. My mom bought me strawberries and soy milk. Yeah. I don't know about you but I like that. I like that. I have met a daring soul friend dude by the name of Lincoln Hawk. I am learning life, life, and dedication from him. I like that. I love how God does amazing things. i am learning to laugh even when I almost got ran over on my bike today. I got real upset with myself but I cannot be just serious all day. So, live life with a mission but do also live it with a smile and a life.
Can you do that?
Music is my sidekick, my passion (apart from my desire to save my mom because nobody is helping).............
Should I make a survey right now?
1. what kind of music do you like? Inspiriational ones. But do I need to name names?
2. What does music do to you? Give me a new look at life. Wakes me up.
3. Why do people have so many music songs? Because they are not content but I plan to change that with my music
What kind of music would you, Joey Arnold, write? The kind that would
motivate and wake up all those who care to be the best, to make a
difference in this world
So, there you go. Some survey I made myself. But I must learn to
sing and write and dance and present, and to be a nicer person of more
appreciation, according to my sister Crystal. Yeah. What can I say? What
should I do?
To anybody: what is your favorite kind of music and why? And what music do you not like and why?
Tragedy is this. My dad left my mom. My mom has a job but needs a better job but she cannot just get any job. My mom is amazing in many areas but there are still problems. It is hard to explain. Life does not make sense for me. I was in college in West Virginia but somehow came back home to Oregon to face trouble. I did not want to but who else would help my mom. As a counselor all summer with Salvation Army at Camp Kuratli's wilderness program in Boring, Oregon I was then able to earn about one thousand dollars, in which I gave all to my mom. I am keeping my eyes open because I want to get my mom back on her feet. It is weird but I see God's hand in the mist of all this pain and badness. I cannot understand the good and the bad. Eh. Ok. Yeah. What can I say. Ok. So, let me tell you more. You must understand the deepness to these problems.
Tragedy started over time. Now, as a disclaimer, I will not blame my mother for the entire situation that is among us in its whole but do know that there are consequences to actions, be it good and bad. Ok. So, I am saying that all the good and bad is because of God, Satan, you, me, and everything kind of in a combination. But I am not saying that you cannot blame people for wrong decisions. Like, if a man kills a woman then do not blame it solely or merely on Satan. Get this. Life is a mix. But here is my mom's story:
as the oldest, and more study-oriented, child alongside two other siblings, my mother was not liked always by family. After her mother died when she was about 19, she was heart broken, and still remains sad a little. Her step-mom never liked her. My mom had eaten too much junk food and did not take care of herself during her life through until her mid thirties. And during the past twenty years she gain much weight, like a balloon, faced deep depression around the year 1996, and became poor in health about a decade ago. So she went down hill so deep. But do know that is much better now and has lost so much weight. And is now eating healthy and stuff, now. So, life is a roller coaster.
Ok. So, she was married to some cop she met, Ron Hunter at around age 22 or so. At a young age. But then Ron left her because he wanted kids and doctors said that she was too weak for kids. Sad. Too weak huh? She had four kids later which meant she had labor pains with me which she could have died from Or I could have. Ok. So her first husband, Ron, left. Sad. Ron's next wife was too weak to have kids and so Ron, as far as I know, has no kids. Take that for not having like say faith in God or whatever. Never mind. Sorry but it was sad. And so later my dad somehow follows my mom a couple of years later near the end of the 1970's. He held a Bible in his hand and even got baptized. Let me tell you more about my dad in the next paragraph. But are you L4?
My dad's dad died before he was two and his mom died later. He was born around Los Angeles, California but then was adopted around the age of two. Then lived many years in Medford, a city near the bottom part of Oregon. Life was poor, unlike my mom who had wealthier parents (who are not interested in helping my mom, today). So, life was depressing to him but he got use to it. My dad learned to work hard outside in landscaping, maintenance, like hard work. My dad has much charm, personality, a spark to his eyes, often content and lovable, caring, ever so hard working beyond anything I ever have seen, a heart for caring (but in only what he knows), and a heart never to give up on getting jobs done; yet not patient or always teachable or understanding. So. Like. I am trying to say that my dad developed the foundation to who he would become early on in life. He played basketball in school through college and then city league. In college he was a very good point guard at five feet and six inches, and he played alongside my Uncle "Woof" Jim Williams, 6'3" or so. They played at Umpqua, a college, known for great ice-cream, in Oregon by Roseburg. But like, my dad fought a lot with kids. Normal. Sure. Wrestling. Football. His new adopted parents were Mormons. My dad just went along with. Did not know that there is a difference between Mormons and any other religions. He did not think much of it but it got into his head. Sadly. In his twenties he would drink a lot and get into many problems any where. My dad is a great guy but makes bad mistakes and from his teens developed the habit of swearing and so still swears all the time to this very day, and is a little drunk all the time to this very day. He has lost his license many times and currently has none.
Jan was my dad's first wife. They were married and divorced around the same time my mom was married to Ron. Somehow, when my dad was not married, he was taking care of his adopted mom when he was about 25 (almost like how I am) until she died. Ok, so somehow Jan just left him I believe. I do not think she died. Later she had kids I think. But then again I don't remember. But he held onto her Bible somehow. There are a lot of things I do not know about my dad because he works, normally, every day. "In a heart beat," my dad would say. "Like totally."
Married about four months before the oldest, Katie, was born in 1980. Weird how my dad went after my mom and somehow acted like a Christian with his Bible. It was not even his Bible, we discovered several years ago. My dad would go to church sometimes and stop drinking for a few months a few times in his life. One time, get this, he was drunk around the year 1982 but my mom somehow managed to get out of the car with my oldest sister and walked probably more than a dozen miles to some destination (with Katie on her back). Later, my dad crashed into a cement wall. He was cussing all around the doctors and everything. Sad. It was like God saying, wake up and trust me as your only Savior. My dad has had many wake up calls in his life. Too many things have went bad. My dad should be dead by now because of all the tragedy and mistakes but God's grace. I do not understand it completely. It blows my mind away. Too many things.
Tragedy because my mom married my dad, you could say. Some people would want to reject any good from a situation like that but I find that all this evil helped developed me. So, from early on in the marriage in 1980, my dad started showing his true colors of being the unsaved, verbally abusive, and alcoholic/workaholic fool that he has somehow became. Can I call my dad a fool? A fool says in his heart that there is no God. well, my dad has expressed hate for God. Like, why does God let bad things happen. My dad has witness many bad things. Who does not want to hate God. But what about God's justice and even His grace for how God has taken care of so many people, including my dad. My mom has witness to my dad so many times during the last twenty-eight years. It is sad. I do not know what to say. My dad has had girl friends. Bad things. I am not aware of everything that my dad does. But it is sad.
The problems:
She is not officially divorced or widowed but it is sad to have lived with a drunk for almost three decades. She had spent most of those years not sleeping at night and in high stress, emotional trauma, and so many other things. She cannot have a job with deadlines or strict requirements. This is sad. She is good at many things but does not have the official diplomas or degrees to let her do what she is already qualify to do. She could counsel, tutor, housekeep, book keep, people keep, learn, teach, study, write, type, be a secretary, human relations, be a health expert as she knows so much, counsel people with God's word, witness, love, care, and so much more. I have looked for jobs for her but cannot find one. I am sad. What do I do? What can I say? What can you do?
More about her:
There are many things I can say about my mother. She is a singer, song writer, thinker, and everything else. there is both bad and good to say but mostly good. Oh by the way, if you are taking notes then I have this home-videos collection at home that I need transfered to DVD. Think about it. I want to save the world. Oh, and I may be going to Hawaii. And, this trailer we have been in for the last 22 years is nearing death in many ways. Help, anybody. Life is weird but God's hand is among it all somehow.
What do you think? How can you help? L4
If you want to read my Friends Articles (it is like a journal, and I might even write about you, some day) then do the following:
1. First: sign up for a free Facebook acount: just click on the link, below:
2. Second: go to my profile page and add me as your friend:
3. Third: go to my notes: ]]>
Or do you dare be a pirate?
so where did you end up choosing to go next year for school, or no school?
And the vocals were quite interesting
]]>Thanks, we took a few guys from my work, the nursing home, fishing and I forgot my hat at home so an old man let me borrow his(that hat in my pict). Currently I'm not really attending college either right now, I went to the University of Akron(in Ohio) for zoology but I took the spring semester off to save up $ for my missions trip to Peru next month. I was getting ready to sign up for classes this fall and things just were not falling into place like they should, so I've decided to wait to make any major decisions until after my missions trip (who knows, I may end up staying down there, adopting ten kids and live happily ever after until my passport expires)
Anyhow, I'm sorry to hear about everything, I'll be praying for your situation and for your mother. Dads stink (excuse my language), but I just don't know whats wrong with them these days. Till death do us part, in sickness and in health, just doesn't mean anything anymore.
Several people have always told me not to let others hold me back from doing something, not to let family (parents) or anything hold me back from leaving if I want to go or do something else. But I'm not so sure how true that is sometimes. To leave a family member in thier time of need just doesn't seem quite right to me, I'd most likely stay home and take care of my mom like your doing. I guess finding God's will whether that is to stay or go is the most important.
]]>You are Leonardo. You are a natural leader with a strong sense of honor |
Your major should be Computer Science. You like nothing more than spending long nights with friends in the computer lab... which is a good thing since that's exactly how you'll spend the next couple years.
]]>What would you do?
i would do what i did.....
came back home and tried to attend a college closer to home, ran out of college $, so i work a fulltime job, and i'm living with my mother who doesnt want me to move out.
I've been told tho by others not to live my life by making choices that revolve around someone else, that I need to live 'my life' and do whats best for me.... Suppose I haven't been any help.
]]>2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Psalm 138:7-8
James 1
Hope these verses will give you some encouragement]]>
SEARCH: Make a simple list as follows of colleges you need to try, pursuit, and even reject [at least for now].
ASA >$9K…. ARIZONA WESTERN COLLEGE: Institute of Business and Computer Technology >$11K.
MGC ,$8K. Middle Georgia College. $67/credit hour.
Cochran, GA.
OSU Oklahoma State University: Okmulgee. Okmulgee, OK
State University of New York College of Technology at Alfred. Alfred, NY
ABC: Stay here as long as you can because it is great here despite possible loan-debt.
PCC $4,305/06-07. PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE; PCC: Affordable, and you can help your mom while doing that.
WTS $7k/yr apx. Western Texas College. Computer Science:
MOODY: Didn't accept me for 07-08.
PENSACOLA: Financially, maybe, I would still owe them around $4k/yr.
TEXAS BAPTIST COLLEGE: <$8k. 1/4/07 Thur 12:30PM AST. But only like Bible majors and not anything of computers, arts, drama, writing, or anything not of Bible.
SHASTA BIBLE COLLEGE: >$8.4K. B.A. Degree in Bible and Theology. Shasta Bible College & Graduate School. Admissions Office. 2951 Goodwater Ave. Redding, CA 96002
CAMERON $16,528/YR. Cameron University; Lawton, OK.
GLOBE: >$10K/YR BUT NO ROOMS? Globe Institute of Technology. Tuition: $4,475/sem.
New York, NY
Oregon state beavers >$17k.
Covenant: >$22k.
Grace: <$25k.
BELMOUNT >$18k UNIV Nashville, Ten.
WOLBI: <$14k. Already attended: 04-06.
I looked into teaching English once. Colleges do offer TESOL (Teaching English as a Second Language). Sometimes it's its own degree but it can also be an emphasis in education or communication programs. The avenue I was looking into was Camp China. They are with ELIC ( What you could do is get a normal education degree (the best basis for TESOL) and then go to ELIC (English Language Institute in China) and get a tuition-free masters through their program. Check out their website, it's pretty good.]]>
go to that's my college.
community college in australia is called TAFE.]]>
if you see my gorgeous Sharonda tomorrow at lunch, tell her she looks lovely for me ;)
]]>Mojo Jojo!
I like your xanga site!
]]>Anyone know anything about computer-major colleges in Europe, Australia, Florida, Russia, Japan, anywhere?
Teach english as second language but how..... How could I find a college or something that can teach me how to teach Koreans or anyone English???? I am still thinking of a community/ technical/ computer college ......... this is actually the day that I thought about this after talking to a friend who will go to China or something to teach English after he is done at this college [ABC]. That lunch conversation inspired me and now my eyes must be open for such because the windows and opportunities and experiences are out there and I must not turn from such blessings and potentials as such.
but I still want to take a few like electives like such.
Somehow, I am still searching [as if I just never learn], and still trying to avoid what seems to be as a mistake. I want to avoid debt; plus, I want to be at a more complex school with more people, options, problems, solutions, and such. I want to learn computer trades and somehow use that for the rest of my life. I want to get a doctorate in something Biblical, like Theology but I want to have a grasp on computers first. My search is tiresome but I am not sure if I will ever get anything out of this search. I feel like I have already learned about colleges, searching, and such because of the search but how do I know if I have searched enough? Am I wasting time? Is it foolish to assume that I know what I need to know about colleges and that I should not continue looking for a college that probably does not exist? How am I both excited about the school I am at right now [ABC] but yet burden for finding my next school for next year; all this both at the same time? I love my school [ABC] but also hate it at the same time, but how is this possible? ]]>
How can I find a cheap computer-science or web-design [major/ degree] college?
I have looked and have not found anything. My best option is to stay at my current Bible college, ABC, and maybe somehow avoid getting another loan for next year and then next somehow register for online classes for next year..... My second best option is to attend a community college back at home but this is not a suitable option due to a scary home..... my third option does not actually exist but it is a dream of somehow finding a cheap computer college somewhere, like maybe under $5-10k.yr.
Is it ok to dream? What should I do? People normally go in debt while in college, therefore, why would you even want to help me avoid what is only normal?
]]>Secrets for each person to follow on what dogs, sin, and cars have in common. I dare you to read all of this, please. I dare you. Can you tell me why you cannot read all this? Why? Can you not help me L4OJ? Contact me about this, please, like right now [or never, you know because you will forget about this really soon] because all this is so important. I need help, I need ideas. Help me please. Anyone. Are you there? How can we spread this L4OJ? Why is it important? It must start slowly in each of our lives.
What is it going to cost and is it worth it?
Groups in project, but do not join any of my groups yet, but if you have any ideas then let me know:
You do not owe God anything for sinning but instead…. [find answer two paragraphs down from here]. And when you sin then you become a sinner like a cat barks like a dog to become a dog or like a rat sits in the garage to become a car. Right? What must people know before they can know the Hope in Hope over Dope? Read on because I hid a few details inside all this writing.
What is the problem that each person has when they are born? If you know the answer then how can we share with others the solution to the number one problem to life, to each of our lives? The answer to our problems is found in Hope Over Dope [Ro6:23], that is, that Christ paid the debt of sins, something that we all owe God. The problem, that each person is born facing, is that we owe God death because we are not a citizen of His Kingdom that is coming and therefore we must be kicked out, like as if we are the weakest link, like as if we are terrorists or illegal immigrants. The problem is that we owe God too much, but the good news is that Christ paid for that debt and all that each one of us must do is trust that Christ paid that debt and then we will become a member of His family, His kingdom.
My problem is that I need to learn how to explain this better and I want to spread Hope over Dope better, but I am asking you for your help. I dare you to come up with ideas on how we could spread Hope over Dope to every type of person anywhere, any time, in different ways. I dare you. I double dog dare you. Hope is in what Christ did for us, something that we could never ever do for ourselves. Dope is in what we owe God [Ro.6:23], in the debt; because we are sinners we sin just like a dog barks because a dog is a dog. Dope is in the wages of sin, which is death. Remember that if you bark like a dog that you do not become a dog and therefore if you sin you do not become a sinner. If you sin then you do not become a sinner. Hey, guess what, if you sin then you do not become a sinner. Hey, did you know that. How in the world can that be true. If you sin you do not somehow become a sinner. Did you learn something right now? Do you become a sinner because you sin? No. Then what? Well, you do not become a sinner if you sin just like a dog does not become a dog if the dog barks like a dog. If you go inside a car port or garage and sit there then you will become a car just like when you sin you become a sinner. Right. You become a dog by barking. Go bark and watch yourself turn into a dog. It reminds me of some old movie about wag the dog or tail, like where a man became a dog during the night or something but like he did not become a dog because he barked but because of some kind of nature or curse that he had. You become a car by sitting in a garage, right? No, you sin because you are a sinner; you bark if you are a dog, you are parked in garage if you are a car. You sin because you are a sinner. Because you are a sinner then you owe God something. What do you owe God because you are a sinner? You owe God your life because you are a sinner? You do not owe God anything for sinning. You do not owe God anything for sinning. The problem is not that you sin but that you are a sinner. Yes, because you are a sinner then you sin, you lie, cheat, kill, or simple forget to do something good. You owe God death because you are a sinner but Christ paid the debt that you owe, and if you trust that then God will declare that you are no longer a dog, or a car, I mean a sinner. You will still be in the car port for a while and so you may still feel like a car, still. You will still be in the dog house for a while and so your food bowl will still be next to you, your dirty filthy bone and other toys will still be next to you but you will not be a car or a dog once you have trusted that Christ died for yours, was buried, and rose again on the third day [1Cor.15:3-4]. We are born cars, we are born dogs, but when we trust that Christ saved from something that we could never save ourselves from then we become something new. We will stay in the garage, in the dog house, so that we could beep at other cars, so that we could bark at other dogs and let them know that there is Hope over Dope, a hope that will never go away. We are all born sinners and therefore we sin just like a dog barks because it is a dog and a car drives because it is a car; but Christ gave us something that is incredible, wonderful, and something that is available for a limited time offer only so come before Christ returns to receive his non-cars non-dogs.
Note, people must know the problem because the solution/ answer are not important to anyone if they do not know the problem. Therefore, how can we share with others:
1. The greatest problem that each person faces
2. The greatest answer to each person that faces the greatest problem that any one can face
Babies are cute. How could that baby be born with the nature that will some day choose to sin? Why are we given the opportunity to not be perfect? Without sin we could like have no reason to rely on God. It is sad in many ways and I have wondered about this all myself. Why was Adam and Eve given the opportunity to sin? Freedom to sin is also freedom to choose better.
How can we like be born sinners? I am like not totally sure but I know that we like inherit because we are in the family, because we have the same blood, the same limitations; it gets passed on to us like the throne gets passed on to the king's sons or descendents.
It is sad that babies must be born in a family that they chose not to be in, a sin-cursed family. That is too bad, as far as we can think [key word, we can think this is too bad]. On the other hand, however, remember that then when we are saved then the same thing happen, and what is this thing? Family. Yeah, family. Who's family? God's family. Therefore it is not that bad to born into a Devil family due to the fact that when we trust that Christ saved us then we are drafted and placed in His family. Other wise the baby would be born like say neutral and like sin and then be placed in the Devil's family after the baby sin but then the baby could never ever ever ever ever ever simple be holy to get back into God's family. It only takes one sin. We would be cursed by sin, by the lawe so to speak, forever.
Thanks for reminding me of this.
]]>Food is alter here; they call this GM [gene-modified/ changed]. Countries outside the USA several years ago banned such things.
Cancer has doubled, and many other things are coming at us. Oh, dark chocolate is said to be healthy [like coffee] but how do I know if it is good chocolate. Real icecream is ok.
2/12/07 m 9pm
I ate Snickers, Crunch, Twix and some of RA Josh Miller’s chocolate cookies. I should not eat wheat just to be safe and real chocolate is rare and things are added. The scariest thing about food is not what is in food but what is taken out of food. Four foods to avoid according to a reader digest writer were: trans fat, salt, high fructose corn syrup, and refined grains. THIS is where the reader digest article is as of right now.
This next one goes in more details about food and how it is prepared at the farm. More organic farms are becoming mix or not organic any more. gm, Gene Modified food, has grown big time around 97-99 to make up 2/3 of all US processed food. They want you to believe that these new like food is equal or better than normal food. BM is banned in many countries except for USA. Many GM companies spent billions buying off seed companies and destroying their “non-patented (potentially competitive) seed stocks. Time magazine called the widespread consequences of this effort a global Death of Birth. All of this is why "biotechnology," in its naked essence, has be tagged by some as thano- ( meaning death) technology.” Now over 1/3 of earth’s species are facing extinction due to GM. Cancer rates are doubling. Chemical pollution can be destroyed by clearing out the field and by letting field sit for like a year but genetic pollution can alter and change and ruin the soil forever. Scientists may lie because many of them have stock in food companies or they are somehow connected; the profits are big and why talk about side-effects if you are capable of making money. Why risk money just to be honest?
Dark chocolate that is not more than %50 other things can be helpful if natural. . We die from or other things here like healthy donuts or chocolate that made rats live longer:
]]>for now I am just buying you a one way ticket home and when you decide where you are going to college I will buy you a ticket to there. looks like I found you a great deal on a one way. I just need to know do you want a window or isle? and do you go by Joey or Joseph? and how early do you want to be at the airport. there are a few at 6am, and another one at 9am and then there's a later afternoon. What's your preference?
]]>From Marci:
ok I got your ticket. It's a one way to Portland. if you give me an
email address i will email you your itenerary and eticket. You depart on
may 13th. sorry there were no flights for later on the 12th.
from Charleston departs 5:55PM to Houston 7:47PM
Depart Houston 9:00PM arrive in Portland 11:31PM
a great flight glad I can help you out. when you figure out where you
are going next I will get you a flight wherever that may be.
Thats a new way of thinking of it.. How are you?
]]>I completely agree with you.
I become speechless at what are food really is, & what it's not.
: )
]]>I have learned four things:
First, that I need to use any right tool that is presented before me. is like my friend, because I can learn so much from it. Plus, Google-Earth is also amazing.
SECOND, I need to spread out my learning; which means rereading, memorizing, sharing, writing, studying, and rethinking the material; I would rather just learn something instantaneously.
It is amazing that it is easier to remember everyday things; mainly because we see the everyday things like everyday and somehow we are more likely to remember and learn those kind of things.
THIRD, I must find a way to learn the material instead of thinking that the material will just like somehow learn me, or jump into my head like oatmeal would jump into my rats I once own [1998-2001 apx].
In other words, I cannot simple memorize material for a test just because I desire to get a good grade. I must understand why it is important; and I must desire it like I desire chocolate cookies, which I ate like a dozen the other day and now feel sick. Learn through codes. Yeah, codes, but not to be confused with the movies Omega Code or the Da Vinci Code.
Plus, I try rethinking just one concept in my mind for a while; and I do this during chapel, classes, work, during sleep, eating, or when ever I can. In other words, I try rethinking just one part at a time, like a part that I need to know and then I ask myself questions and pretend I don't know the answers so that I can really think through it.
Like, for example, Da Vinci died in 1519. When did Da Vinci died? 1519. Are you sure? Yeah, I think. Why are you sure? Because some book said so. What are you sure about? That Da Vinci Died in 1519, just one year before the beginnings of the AnaBaptists in 1520. What happen in 1519? Da Vinci died. Why did he died? I don't know but I am not learning that part yet. I just know that something happen in 1519.
Why? I don't know. So, thus I can rethink it in my normal thinking voice but then I must think it in different voices, speeds, ways and I must ask myself why do I care. Then I try thinking through my life and trying to come up with ways to tie this thought to my life and like to my whole life or to as many other memories that are already stored inside me. I cannot just learn something that means nothing to me. Do you even know what the example was any more?
Did you forget? I do not blame you. Why remember some old guy who died too many years ago. There may be reasons. Just hold your breath. What happens at 5:19AM in the morning? I am sleeping, and you probably are too. What would happen if I awoke at 5:19AM? I would probably die. Oh, guess what. Hey, did you know someone died in 1519. Yeah. Who was it. Da, I don't know. I had a teacher named Vince Warren and he is a favorite. Da Vince. That reminds me of like someone we were talking about already. Yeah. Really. Yeah. Who would that be? I don't know.
Go look back and try to figure out what we are talking about. D and V. Who? Yeah, you heard me. What am I trying to say? I am saying that you must associate new knowledge with older knowledge that is already inside you. Yeah. I have told people that but people sometimes do not care and they would rather just learn a bunch of useless facts in a hard memorizing way. I could memorize and I use to memorize so many verses in Awana and Olympians but it is not enough to just memorize something but to live it. I can say so much about this. Ahhhhhhhhh. This is so important.
Health is important and so is secrets to learning. I want to help people in things like this. Oh yes I do. Like a Barbi in a prom dress, I want to get to the center of a Toosie roll. In other words, you must seek to learn; be creative and laugh a little while learning. For these 17 things we had to learn in English composition class I have came up with an code [where each letter stands for a word] to remember it by: rp, car q, said g. I see that as a story, except note that the 'c' in car is really three, and the same for 's' in said; and then two of the 'a' in both car and said; and just one for the other letters; and thus all those letters in them [rp cccaar q sssaaid g] stands for another word of what we had to learn in Meaning relationships and linking devices and other writing like things.
FOURTH, Woa, I remember that guy, I say, or like woa so that is what happen before that, or oh I know that king while I listen to the online Bible. It is amazing.
Life is short, so eat it up [but it starts early in the morning; as beyond it your feelings will do to you as it did to Darth Vader].
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