Vote Katie Arnold!
Go to this site! Click on the stars which are right below her main picture!
Vote Katie Jean Arnold as your Green Girl!
There are 130 contestants, counting Katie Jean Arnold (my older sister)!
Please vote before competition begins in November 2nd, 2009 in Los Angeles, California! Do not vote for the other 129 Green Girl contestants!
Katie Arnold is the only one in a snow hoodie! Katie Arnold is the only one holding a yellow flower! Katie Arnold is the only with laser sharp eyes! Just look into her eyes! This 29 year old college student is greener than your grass! Katie Arnold is lighter than a bird! Katie Arnold is a foxy warrior! Katie Arnold clearly is a singer, dancer, writer, comic, song-writer, health advocate, counselor, best friend, green advocate! I would even ask the other contestants to vote for her! Do not vote for yourself! Vote for the one with clear experience! Katie Arnold wants this more than anybody! Katie Arnold has a stronger passion for this than I do! Katie Arnold clearly wants to make a world a better place! Katie Arnold has strong family values! Katie Arnold has your back! Katie Arnold will never let you down! You can clearly count on Katie Arnold! Out of all 130 contestants, she was clearly my favorite! Some were younger! Some were older! Katie Arnold is clearly the average! Katie Arnold is right in the middle! Katie Arnold has that balance! Katie Arnold has that grace! Katie Arnold is totally Project Green Search material! You will never grow old with Katie Arnold! In fact, you will be growing old with Katie Arnold! You will wake up with her! You will say good night to her each night! Please give Katie Jean Arnold, my older sister, a try! You will not regret this! She needs your help! Give her your five stars! It is the least you can do! Then tell your friends about it! Tell your friends about Katie Arnold! Katie Arnold is applesauce sunshine mixed in a blender and serve just for you at breakfast!
Katie Arnold wrote the following essay:
Living sustainably, recycling, composting, gardening, juicing, using all organic cleaning and beauty products, shopping right and living light is the way for me. I love gardening, I love being healthy and I love sharing what I learn with others. Whether it be about a new light bulb that may fight off depression, a new green smoothie recipe or a new thought process like living in the question “what could be better than this”.
I am doing an internship and volunteer at the Environmental Center at Portland Community College. Last year I learned about organic gardening and WOW gardening is awesome! I am passionate about healthy eating and gardening is the way to go. I love the outdoors. I love roses, trees, streams, animals. Nature is precious to me.
I also learned about vermiculture. Red worms can eat food and paper waste! Sooo cool!
This year I am leading two discussion groups at school. One is on sustainable living and another on eating. I am so excited!
I would love to do this on a larger scale. I would love to be the poster child and yodel green living and being ways from the mountain top! (I don’t really know how to yodel but will learn if it becomes one of my duties)
Green living means living smart while living well! Organic, sustainable, earth friendly, it all makes sense to me! Why don’t we use the abundance of the world to live green? I believe we should use the highest quality of products because we deserve it! Lets use the right light amount of fantastic products we need. Reduce! If you buy the highest quality possible you might only have to buy once. Recycle! Recycling is awesome! Lets buy recycled fashion, let buy recycled art, lets use the stuff we have to be fabulous! Lets be happy!!!!!!
I choose to see the world with rose colored glasses. I believe we are headed in the right direction! So many people are doing so many cool things to help each other and the planet. We should be proud! Yes, there is more work to do but how awesome is that there is a Green Model Search and so many cool ladies working for the cause! I think it is absolutely fantastic. Let green and sustainability catch on! Let it spread to everyone! Let it be our way of life!
Personally I would like to see everyone have access to green products, organic food, clean water, clean air and a stress free living and working environment. I would also love to help educate on why and how to be more green!I
Even if we all just do one thing.
I really like reusable grocery bags. If you read this and you do not use them already, what are you waiting for? and if you do…..high five!
Also I learned that it saves electricity to unplug your appliances while you are not using them.
How cool is that? and turning off your work computers when you leave is also a good idea to save energy.
email me if you want to talk more!!!!!!
Thank you for reading!
Joey. This contest is over. Would you please delete this post? Thanks!